INFO - March 15, 2025

Update on Exclusive List: more 80 new exclusive bootlegs, including 2024 concerts.
Now more than 4100 concerts available (with direct download).
If you want to see the exclusive bootlegs lists before donating, please send me an email.
More Info Here

Cheers, Heavy Soundboard Bootlegs.


Blog Downloads: Free Acess
With Torrent Seeds: When i'm online or other users share.

Heavy Soundboard Blog --- 2200 Bootlegs
Live Bootlegs Blog --- 6600 Bootlegs

Blog Downloads: With Donation (More Info Here)
With Direct Download: 24h available.

Exclusive List --- 4100 Bootlegs
Heavy Soundboard Blog --- 2200 Bootlegs
Live Bootlegs Blog --- 6600 Bootlegs

Friday, August 12, 2022


I decided to make some more blog updates.
1 - I decided to remove the pages with the festival lists from the blogs, because it took a long time to update them.
2 - All bootlegs from the Glastonbury and Reading Festivals (from 2010 onwards) will now only be available on the exclusive list.

3 - From now on there will be only one exclusive list.
4 - I'm going to start putting (in the exclusive list) concerts without tracks separation. This is because I have an extensive archive and it is impossible to separate the songs in all of them.
Cheers, Heavy Soundboard Bootlegs.


  1. Pretty lame dude. I'd almost think about supporting the blog if you hadn't done that, but you know what, na. Exclusive lists suck.

    1. Finally, we have someone who gets it... yeah it is lame how half of the bootlegs has been removed from "Festivals" just to be for "Exclusives Only" and are not allowed, because it's "Unofficial" Unofficial bootlegs are allowed and have been trade friendly online for years, except those that are "Official" recorded shows that came from the bands/artists official websites... i think the owner who runs both blogs here have it completely backwards.

    2. I remove less than 1% of festivals bootlegs (only Reading and Glastonbury since 2010). Thanks for your words. Cheers.
