INFO - March 15, 2025

Update on Exclusive List: more 80 new exclusive bootlegs, including 2024 concerts.
Now more than 4100 concerts available (with direct download).
If you want to see the exclusive bootlegs lists before donating, please send me an email.
More Info Here

Cheers, Heavy Soundboard Bootlegs.


Blog Downloads: Free Acess
With Torrent Seeds: When i'm online or other users share.

Heavy Soundboard Blog --- 2200 Bootlegs
Live Bootlegs Blog --- 6600 Bootlegs

Blog Downloads: With Donation (More Info Here)
With Direct Download: 24h available.

Exclusive List --- 4100 Bootlegs
Heavy Soundboard Blog --- 2200 Bootlegs
Live Bootlegs Blog --- 6600 Bootlegs

Friday, July 16, 2021


Simply guide to download the bootlegs:
1 - Download and install a torrent program
2 - Click in the bootleg link and download the magnet link.
3 - Put the magnet link in the torrent program, and download the RAR File.
4 - Use 7-zip program and it´s done.

unRAR Program (for Windows):
Recommended Torrent program (for Windows, Mac or Linux):
NOTE 1: If a link doesn´t work, please tell me.

NOTE 2: Now i torrent all bootlegs and share them while i'm online.
So it will be much easier to download without waiting for the seedhost server to be up.
I'm usually online between:
  • New York: 4am / 7pm
  • Los Angeles: 1am / 4pm
  • London: 9am / 00am
  • Tokyo: 5pm / 8am
  • Sydney: 6pm / 9am
  • Rio de Janeiro: 5am / 8pm

Many thanks to all people who made donations. They make me keep this blog alive.
Heavy Soundboard Bootlegs


  1. Making Torrents will serve you well your posts will look exactly the same except for the link address. Im glad you decided to keep at it, I enjoy many of your shares.

  2. That sounds good as far as I understand it. Anyway and as always, thanks a lot for all that pleasure you give us every day ! Cheers man !
