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Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Perfect Circle - Live @ Sunrise Musical Theater, Sunrise, USA, 21-02-2001

Concert divided into separate tracks by Heavy Soundboard Bootlegs Blog.

Source: FM Broadcast
Sound Quality: 9/10

1.     Renholder
2.     Thinking Of You
3.     Magdalena
4.     3 Libras (All Main Courses Mix)
5.     3 Libras
6.     Brena
7.     Orestes
8.     (banter)
9.     Vacant (Tapeworm cover)
10.  Rose
11.  Over
12.  Thomas
13.  (banter)
14.  Judith
15.  (banter)
16.  Ashes To Ashes (David Bowie cover)
17.  The Hollow

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3


  1. Hello! Hopefully this reaches you well. This site looks amazing, but I seem to be having trouble collecting the shows I would like to. It seems every link I tried is attached to Mega, and won't work. I tried some on the homepage and they worked. If it's possible, I would like to check out all your Tool and A Perfect Circle, Meshuggah, Rage, and some other stuff. Sorry if this is any kind of inconvenient and thank you for all your hard work.
