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Friday, August 28, 2020

Therapy - Live @ Reading Festival, England, 28-08-1994

NOTE: “In ’93 or ’94, Michael had done a ‘band-by-band’ run down of “what to expect at Reading” for Kerrang!, but some of his more rambunctious comments were taken quite badly. The Butthole Surfers directed many onstage profanities our way. Soon every tom, dick and indie harry was demanding who the f**k I was. When they realised the fault lay not with the over-weight, unfashionable one but rather the fresh-faced handsome one, their revenge was left unsatisfied. Still, we had a great gig and I ended up having a drink with Jeff Buckley, who was lovely” - Andy Cairns on the band’s Reading Festival 1994 experience.
A must have!
Exclusive concert & divided into separate tracks by Heavy Soundboard Bootlegs Blog.

Source: Soundboard
Sound Quality: 8/10

1.     Potato Junkie
2.     Knives
3.     Screamager
4.     Unbeliever (with Page Hamilton from Helmet on guitar)
5.     Trigger Inside
6.     Me Vs You
7.     Hellbelly
8.     Meat Abstract / Teethgrinder
9.     Isolation (Joy Division cover)
10.  Disgracelands (with Martin McCarrick on cello)
11.  Die Laughing (with Martin McCarrick on cello)
12.  Unrequited (with Martin McCarrick on cello)
13.  Nowhere (with Martin McCarrick on cello)
14.  Lunacy Booth (with Leslie Rankine from Silverfish on vocals & Martin McCarrick on cello)

Buy the Music:
Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!
320kbps mp3


  1. Therapy were the true headliner on this day of Reading and DESTROYED the chili peppers, who had no answer to this ferocious set. The band had proper mainstream recognition with Troublegum and airplay and this set was them at their absolute peak of success, as a fan from the early days it was thrilling to see them come this close to breaking through to be a credible headliner. It is baffling to understand why this upwards trajectory stopped (we could blame britpop I guess) as they continue to put fine records out, but it's good to know that they could continue with a smaller but no less rabid fanbase keeping them in pints of Guinness :D
