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Monday, April 23, 2018

Inside Out - Live @ Anthrax, Norwalk, USA, 15-06-1990

NOTE: Inside Out was a hardcore punk band from Orange County, California. It was fronted by Zack de la Rocha, later of Rage Against the Machine.
Inside Out existed from August 1988 to roughly fall of 1991, releasing a single 7" EP, No Spiritual Surrender, in 1990, on Revelation Records (later converted to six song CD). They played up and down the West Coast and even toured the East Coast once before their breakup in 1991. Many of their songs' themes are spiritual, but not necessarily religious. 
They had written material for a second record, to be titled Rage Against the Machine (whence the name for de la Rocha's next band came), but the band broke up shortly after their guitarist, Vic DiCara, left the band to become a Hare Krishna monk. Vic later started 108, a Krishna-themed hardcore band, and briefly joined Burn, playing guitar in both. (from Wikipedia)

Source: Soundboard
Sound Quality: 10/10

1.     Burning Fight
2.     Lost Cause
3.     Blind Oppressor
4.     Turn and Face
5.     By a Thread
6.     Sacrifice
7.     Just Like You
8.     Undertone
9.     Deathbed
10.  Redemption
11.  No Spiritual Surrender

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise. 
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3


  1. i know you’ve already reuploaded before, but this one’s file is messed up and the new ones not there. if it’s not a big deal, could you upload again?

    1. I downloaded it now and the file is ok. Try again please.

  2. How do I open the file? it always says something the lines of “error”
