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Friday, May 15, 2015

System of a Down - Live @ Hanrapetu'tyan Hraparak, Yerevan, Armenia, 23-04-2015

NOTE: Two-and-half-hour performance marked the band's first-ever concert in Armenia.
Concert divided into separate tracks by Heavy Soundboard Bootlegs Blog.

Source: Soundboard / Webcast
Sound Quality: 9/10

1.     Holy Mountains
2.     Jet Pilot
3.     Suite-Pee
4.     Prison Song
5.     U-Fig
6.     Aerials
7.     Soldier Side / B.Y.O.B.
8.     I-E-A-I-A-I-O
9.     Radio / Video
10.  Bubbles
11.  Cubert
12.  Hypnotize
13.  Dreaming (middle breakdown only)
14.  Needles
15.  Deer Dance
16.  P.L.U.C.K.
17.  Sartarabad (traditional cover)
18.  Psycho (with The Rolling Stones' " Start Me Up" intro)
19.  Chop Suey!
20.  Lonely Day
21.  Question!
22.  Bounce
23.  Kill Rock 'n Roll
24.  Marmalade
25.  Lost in Hollywood (with cuts)
26.  Spiders
27.  Mr. Jack (with Hezze breakdown)
28.  Science
29.  Chic 'N' Stu
30.  ATWA
31.  War?
32.  Arto
33.  Cigaro
34.  Roulette
35.  Toxicity (Breakdown included Daron Malakian covering "Ghapama" and "Aman Telo" by Harout Pamboukjian)
36.  Sugar

Buy the Music:

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise. 
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3


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