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Monday, February 10, 2014

Zeke - Live @ Hultsfred Festival, Sweden, 19-06-2004

NOTE: Zeke is an American hardcore punk band from Seattle, Washington formed in 1993. They are known for their extremely fast, energetic guitar sound. Zeke mixes this with strong influences from hard rock, and occasionally blues-rock, and are often compared to Motörhead. (from Wikipedia)

Source: Soundboard
Sound Quality: 10/10

1.     Highway Star
2.     Wanna Fuck
3.     Chiva Knievel
4.     West Seattle Acid Party
5.     Arkansas Man
6.     Little Queen
7.     Chinatown
8.     Holley 750
9.     T-500
10.  Mainline
11.  Slut
12.  Dragonfly
13.  The Hammer
14.  Raped
15.  Twisted
16.  Dogfight
17.  Overkill
18.  Mystery Train
19.  God of GSXR
20.  302 Cubic Inch V-8 Powered Blues
21.  Zeke You
22.  Lawson
23.  (Intermission)
24.  Schmidt Value Pack
25.  Young Man Blues
26.  Galaxie 500
27.  Wreckin' Machine

Buy the Music:

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!
256kbps mp3


  1. I appreciate your blog. It's a lot of work! When you have an extra moment, could you please Re-Upload: "Zeke 2004-06-19th Hultsfred Festival, Sweden" Thanks again.

  2. thanks for reuploading!!
