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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sons Of Otis - Live @ Zwölfzehn, Stuttgart, Germany, 09-03-2011

NOTE: Sons of Otis are a stoner rock/doom band from Toronto, Canada. Sons of Otis was formed by Ken Baluke in Toronto sometime around the years 1992 and 1993. Strongly influenced by the underground heavy music of the time (Melvins/Fudge Tunnel/Shallow N.D), their first release, "Paid To Suffer", came out in 1994. Subsequent albums took on a more ethereal, psychedelic tone, and this has led to their immediate association with the stoner rock/doom scene. (from Wikipedia)

Source: Audience
Sound Quality: 7/10

01. Tuning
02. Bad Man
03. Lost Soul
04. I'm Gone
05. Mile High
06. Mommy, What's A Funkadelic?
07. Born Too Late
08. Haters
09. Far From Fine
10. The Hunted

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3


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